Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Story Ideas

So I have four ideas for the film opening, two of them are just for generic backup and the other two are the ones that I really want to be able to make.

  • First one: Katherine used to be a successful woman with everything material that one can dream. She worked in a small bank chain, Bank of America, helping her friend gain more money through malpractice. After a small error in her swindle transaction, everything falls apart as she losses herself too. The film opens with her alone in a cell and the movie goes by with Katherine remembering what she had and what she did to end up where the movie started.

  • Second one:  This one I'm not sure of like the scheme of the story but it would mainly be about catharsis after a couple divorces. Two stories in one of tow different perspectives.

  • Third one: The film starts by a drone shot (hopefully) of the victim, you see a body with no head and then the frightened face of the murderer, John. The movie is about discovering how and why John kills that person. Because you never see the face of the victim at the beginning of the movie, it intrigues you to guess who John is going to kill

  • ๐Ÿ’šFourth one, the one that I'm doing: Two friends grew up together, since they were kids (I don't have the names yet, say friend 1 and friend 2) they would do everything together. Until one day friend 1 disappears because he was an imaginary friend, but friend 2 doesn't know he was imaginary. Friend 2 sticks to the idea that friend 1 was real and tries to find him, he gets depressed because he just lost his most important person. The film opening would be a recompilation of them "growing up" but you never see their faces, you would only see two people playing but nothing else until the end of the opening you see two young men in their twenties just vibing which sets the setting to the rest of the movie.


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          CCR! My eyes hurt from editing, enjoy <3 Click also here to see my ccr Okay, bye, that's all